Wednesday, August 8, 2012

TI 84 Plus

This is another cake for an extension of the Blankenship family.  Daniel is pursuing an engineering degree at the UofA, and Katie said she needed something "good and nerdy" for him, like an exact replica of a TI 84 plus calculator.  I had to use a sharpie to write on the buttons, but a call to poison control confirmed that the small amount of ink was in no way toxic to the cake consumers.  Who eats the fondant anyway??


  1. I ate the fondant! And this is by far the best cake on here. I'm also the best recipient...and nerdiest.

  2. This does get my vote for 2nd best cake on here. Cara, didn't you do a Yankees cake once?

    1. I forgot about that cake! I just found it. It's under "oldies but goodies".
